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Herta Parabirsing-Balentina

Born out of a family of six Herta’s present is always noticeable whenever she arrives at a party or a meeting. Always jolly and ready to help others. For the family, she is the nurse with a 24 hours service.
In her professional career, she managed to combine her para medical background with her education as an Executive Secretary. This has given her the opportunity to work as a Doctor assistance & Medical Secretary for many years. Highlight in her career was when she became the Secretary of the Commissioner of Education, Culture & Sports.
Her love for art really busted out when she was retired. Still active as always she managed to visit many places to get to know the art in different countries. She visited the countries where the big ones in art were living such as Michelangelo, Rembrandt to name some of them.
In Curacao, she presented her artwork in different group exhibitions and two duo exhibitions.

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